Morning Routine: Bill Gates, Tiger Woods, and Will Smith also practice imaging

Thank you for reading my blog.

In this third installment of Morning Routines You Should Make a Habit of, we will discuss imaging.

If you have not yet read the first and second parts, please read the following articles.

The content of this issue is also based on the book “The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM” by Hal Elrod.

Let’s quickly check out what exactly imagings are and how to implement them.

What is imaging?

Imaging is the process of visualizing in your mind specifically your actions and the results that will result from them.

Also called mental rehearsal, it is an exercise in positive results.

It is a technique often used by athletes, where they specifically visualize a goal they want to achieve or obtain, and then rehearse in their minds the actions necessary to achieve it.

Tiger Woods always rehearses the perfect swing in his mind before hitting a shot on each hole.

And Will Smith spent many years picturing his success before he sold out and became famous.

Simple ways to implement imaging

Step 1: Prepare your mind and environment.

Sit in a comfortable place in a quiet environment with little noise or in a room with music without lyrics at a low volume.

Breathe deeply to put your mind in a state of nothingness, calm your mind, and prepare for imaging.

Step 2: Imagine your heartfelt desires and dreams.

What is your true desire?

Think of no realities, excuses, or limitations.

If you could have anything you wanted, do anything you wanted, and be anything you wanted to be, what kind of person would you try to be?

Imagine your big goals, your deepest desires, your strongest dreams.

Use all of your senses to picture every detail.

What is in front of you, what does it smell like, what does it touch, what sounds and voices do you hear?

The more specific, the better.

Then, visualize the scene after the ideal outcome.

You are to fully experience the joyful feeling of having achieved your dream or goal.

Step 3: Visualize the process, what needs to be done.

Once you have a clear image of what you want, visualize yourself working hard to take the actions necessary to achieve your goal.

The key is to imagine yourself enjoying the process.

This will be a great motivator for you to take the actual action.


In this article, we told you about imaging that you should incorporate into your morning routine.

Each morning, make it a habit to spend about 5 minutes clearly visualizing your goals, yourself achieving those goals, and what you need to do today.

Imagining yourself achieving your goals is a lot of fun and can be one of the easiest habits to keep without suffering.

Imaging is just imagination, but by imaging, you will unconsciously change your awareness, actions, and results.

Let’s all take five minutes in the morning to do some imaging and get a little closer to the person we want to be.

Let me conclude with a quote from the American author Robert Collier.

Don’t see things as they are, but as you wish them to be.

Thank you again for reading to the end of this issue.

See you in my next post!


Hal Elrod, “The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM”


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