Successful people use this method to get YES

Thank you for reading my blog.

I am sure that many of you are thinking like this.

“I want to get a lot of contracts and improve my sales performance.”

“I want to get my ideas and opinions across to my boss.”

You want to make your life at work and in your private life the way you want it to be.

That’s why I would like to share with you a method that successful people use to get a “yes”.

This article is based on the book “ORIGINALS: How Non-Conformists Move the World” by Adam Grant, a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and an expert in organizational psychology.

The article will help you to learn

  • How to communicate opinions and ideas that elicit a YES
  • Four benefits of this way of communicating

Even if you have the same idea or opinion, just by changing the way you communicate it, you can greatly increase the probability of getting a YES.

You will be able to get your opinions accepted, and you will be able to proceed as you wish, both at work and in your personal life.

In other words, you will be able to manipulate your boss, family, and friends to do what you want.

So, let’s check out how to get the YES out of people who are doing well in life.

Method to get yes

To elicit a YES, don’t just list all the good things you have to say.

The first key is to behave modestly.

Specifically, it is as follows.

  • Bring weaknesses to the forefront.
  • Communicate the pessimistic side.
  • Be honest about disadvantages.

Then try to explain the advantages that outweigh those disadvantages.

This is all that those who were doing well were aware of.

But the effect of this way of communicating was tremendous.

In the next part, we will review the specific effects of this method.

Four effects and benefits of communicating opinions that elicit a YES

The following are four effects of the aforementioned communication methods.

  1. The listener’s guard is lowered.
  2. Appear smarter and more insightful.
  3. Credibility increases.
  4. The idea itself will be evaluated favorably.

Let’s review each effect in detail.

1.The listener’s guard is lowered.

When people feel that someone is trying to persuade them, they put up a barrier out of caution.

Many of us have experienced the feeling of suspicion when we are sold a product and are told only the good points of that product.

However, by conveying negative points such as disadvantages and weaknesses, you can make people think that you are honest and can greatly lower the listener’s guard.

2.Appear smarter and more insightful.

An experiment by psychologist Teresa Amabile revealed something interesting.

In her experiment, she prepared two separate reviews of a book, one that praised the content of the book and one that criticized it.

The results showed that those who wrote critical reviews were rated 14% higher in intelligence and 16% higher in literary expertise than those who wrote positive reviews.

In other words, conveying negative content implies to others that you are professional and well thought out.

On the other hand, people who say only positive things are seen as naive and optimistic.

3.Credibility increases.

By exposing disadvantages and bad parts, you will not only be perceived as knowledgeable, but also as honest and humble.

As a result, their trust in you will also increase.

4.The idea itself will be evaluated favorably.

By telling the bad parts, the listener will think on his/her own that there must be many good parts.

The key point is this “on his/her own”.

The speaker does not have to try to persuade the listener, but the listener will take it in a positive direction on his/her own.

Not only that, but by showing them the negative points, they are less likely to come up with other negative points.

As a result, they will think that there is not much wrong with the idea and that it is a pretty good idea, and they will say yes to you.


In this issue, I have told you about a method of communicating an opinion or idea that will make the other person say yes.

The good thing about this method is that even if they say no to the opinion or idea itself, they will have a better evaluation of you.

They will think of you as humble, honest, smart, and trustworthy.

Just be careful about how you communicate your opinions and ideas.

That alone makes you one of those people who are doing well in life like people who are top performers in sales and who are recognized by their bosses as excellent.

Let me end with a few words from Lincoln.

Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way.

Thank you again for reading to the end of this issue.

See you in my next post!


Adam Grant, “ORIGINALS: How Non-Conformists Move the World”


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